Wednesday, December 7, 2022

What it takes to Live with Certainty?

Define your purpose. It's hard to be confident in what you're doing if you're not sure why you're doing it. ...

Avoid comparing yourself with others. ...

Focus on solutions. ...

Play to your strengths. ...

Fake it till you make it. ...

Take action. ...

Take pride in your appearance. ...

Focus on the positive.
Most Importantly begin Exploring your Life's Purpose that sets you apart

Real U Holistic Self Discovery Center
President: Author of 42 Books and Films
Shahin D. Jedian
Creator of the Jedianix System and Soul Code Discovery 

Tuesday, December 6, 2022

your footsteps were guided to reach that place

For hundreds of years, perhaps since the beginning of Creation, a piece of the world has been waiting for your soul to purify and repair it.

And your soul, from the time it was first emanated and conceived, waited above to descend to this world and carry out that mission.


And you are there now.

You are not experiencing the world. You are the world experiencing your body beyond time and space 

Fighting evil is a very noble activity when it must be done. But it is not our mission in life.

Our job is to bring in more light.

But to bring more light we need to set up discipline and structure. That balance takes wisdom 

Soul Code Wisdom


Watch 20 video testimonials as Clients express there experience with the individual Energy Work and Hypnotherapy Sessions with Shahin Jedian.
Click Here to View 20 video Testimonials now

Real U Holistic Self Discovery Center
President: Author of 42 Books and Films
Shahin D. Jedian
Creator of the Jedianix System and Soul Code Discovery 

Monday, December 5, 2022

๐Ÿ”ปHigher Self vs Soul , Difference ๐Ÿ”‘๐Ÿ‘

In almost every seminar we offer, someone will ask the question: What's the difference between my Higher Self and my Soul?


It's a really a great question that all of us have asked in one way or another. In our spiritual journey we each are exposed to many terms; some easily understood, others confusing, and still others that are seemingly contradictory. I hope this little article will help clarify things for you. Of course, this is my observation and opinion. Please don't believe me. See if what you read resonates with you. You are the only one that matters here.


Your Higher Self is, in simple terms, the highest aspect of you that can be attained and held in the physical body. It is the part of you that knows, sees, and understands at the highest level possible, while the physical part of you still continues to move around in the third dimension. Anchoring the wisdom of the Higher Self into your physicality is very much a part of our human spiritual evolution and purpose.


Your Soul, on the other hand, had an enormous role in deciding upon and designing what you experience in this lifetime. Your Soul wanted to experience a certain set of experiences so it put in place a plan and process where it could - through you. A simple, silly example: your Soul wanted to know what it would be like to experience the feelings of embarrassment in a female body. So the Soul placed parts of its own consciousness in you, as a female body, and you went out into this third dimension to experience the game plan that the Soul wished to have. You were born into a family of graceful dancers, yet you were clumsy and awkward and fell down a lot. You surrounded yourself with very simple, third-dimensional children and you had a creative mind but no filter, so you said things that put you in, well, embarrassing situations. As an adult you liked to party, and many mornings found yourself squirming and explaining your actions of the night before.


In the process of these wonderful experiences your Soul created for you, you always have free will. And so you go about choosing and creating many other components of this life-game that are in addition to what the Soul's..

Read more 

Listen to Audios on this topic 


Watch 20 video testimonials as Clients express there experience with the individual Energy Work and Hypnotherapy Sessions with Shahin Jedian.
Click Here to View 20 video Testimonials now

Real U Holistic Self Discovery Center
President: Author of 42 Books and Films
Shahin D. Jedian
Creator of the Jedianix System and Soul Code Discovery 

The Integration of the Heart and Mind is key ๐Ÿ”‘ in all growth.

The Integration of the Heart and Mind is key ๐Ÿ”‘ in all growth.  

If we skip any of them, one of them will complain.  That being said, I do love the Quote Above as for the most part the intentions of such quotes are to emphasize to us to not lose our hearts by getting so caught up in the head.  ❤️ however here is my Audio Teaching on Heart and Mind Integration. ๐Ÿ˜˜

The integration of the mind and the heart is a very very fascinating topic and it's important to truly understand because without understanding this you do not stand a chance, to even attempt to achieve your potential to remain healthy or be involved with heart or mind health. To evolve in any of the aspects of truly moving up the ladder of the success of your life, you need this integration ❤️And it will actually cause you much damage without truly understanding this.

So I've decided to take the time to go through this and explain it a little bit more. Obviously the explanation is intellectual. But if you apply it in your everyday life, it will become integrated as part of your heart and your mind and your actions.

So as I've said many times before , if we skip any of them one of them will complain, which means if you skip your heart then your heart will complain , if you skip your mind, then your mind would want to know its purpose and what it's doing. So in many of the literature of spiritual teachings, you know, it refers to the heart and the mind as metaphors, but is it really? Physical or is it a metaphor? Is it both? And so to make it simple; The heart actually does pump ๐Ÿฉธ To the body so that when you become enthusiastic about something, your heart actually participates in the entire process.. now from a kabbalistic and Quantum physicist point of view, We know that from the teachings in the Soul Code seminars ๐Ÿ‘ if you've attended we know that the The heart has a brain of its own and the mind has a also a brain and a heart of its own. So that means every part of the body has the 10 emanations and the 10 aspects included within it. So even your toe has its own brain ๐Ÿ‘every part of the body can exist on its own its own Dimension. I know this is a really mind shattering idea๐ŸŽˆAnd how do we actually witness that in today's time? Well, the reason we're not witnessing it right now , is because we have not achieved the state of immortality ❤️where every part of the are being reproduces itself.

Read full article and listen to Voice Teaching on subject here 


Watch 20 video testimonials as Clients express there experience with the individual Energy Work and Hypnotherapy Sessions with Shahin Jedian.
Click Here to View 20 video Testimonials now

Real U Holistic Self Discovery Center
President: Author of 42 Books and Films
Shahin D. Jedian
Creator of the Jedianix System and Soul Code Discovery 

Failure is Rehearsal by Jedian

"Failure to the Soul-Codist is a rehearsal for success. Progress, not perfection is the refinement of the Soul's Perfection"

Author Shahin Jedian

Watch 20 video testimonials as Clients express there experience with the individual Energy Work and Hypnotherapy Sessions with Shahin Jedian.
Click Here to View 20 video Testimonials now

Real U Holistic Self Discovery Center
President: Author of 42 Books and Films
Shahin D. Jedian
Creator of the Jedianix System and Soul Code Discovery 

Saturday, November 26, 2022

Involving your full self

Our deepest longing is to be fully engaged with life itself 

Watch 20 video testimonials as Clients express there experience with the individual Energy Work and Hypnotherapy Sessions with Shahin Jedian.
Click Here to View 20 video Testimonials now

Real U Holistic Self Discovery Center
President: Author of 42 Books and Films
Shahin D. Jedian
Creator of the Jedianix System and Soul Code Discovery 

Learning the Art of Deep Sleep for Healing

Wikipedia tells us: Sleep is a sedentary state of mind and body. It is characterized by altered consciousness, relatively inhibited sensory activity, reduced muscle activity and reduced interactions with surroundings.

But it is much more than that. During Sleep you can accomplish a lot. Let me show you how. First listen to Sleep Sanctuary Sneak Peek Guided Neuro Tech by Soul Code 


Select your Follow Up Phone or Skype Session 15 minutes. Click Here

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"View and book your time on my calendar easily from your phone or computer">Maintainance Ongoing Sessions for  60 minutes with Shahin Jedian

Watch 20 video testimonials as Clients express there experience with the individual Energy Work and Hypnotherapy Sessions with Shahin Jedian.
Click Here to View 20 video Testimonials now

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Real U Holistic Self Discovery Center
President: Shahin Jedian
Creator of the Jedianix System
T. (323) 680-4072

Anxiety be Gone Meditation


The Video Hypnosis above has proven to Heal Anxiety by repeated Listening.

Watch 20 video testimonials as Clients express there experience with the individual Energy Work and Hypnotherapy Sessions with Shahin Jedian.
Click Here to View 20 video Testimonials now

Real Rest... different types

Rewire for Lasting Love ❤️, [11/11/22 4:40 PM]
We go through life thinking we’ve rested because we have gotten enough sleep — but in reality we are missing out on the other types of rest we desperately need. The result is a culture of high-achieving, high-producing, chronically tired and chronically burned-out individuals. We’re suffering from a rest deficit because we don’t understand the true power of rest.

Rewire for Lasting Love ❤️, [11/11/22 4:41 PM]
Rest should equal restoration in seven key areas of your life.

Rewire for Lasting Love ❤️, [11/11/22 4:42 PM]
๐Ÿ”ถThe first type of rest we need is physical rest, which can be passive or active. Passive physical rest includes sleeping and napping, while active physical rest means restorative activities such as yoga, stretching and massage therapy that help improve the body’s circulation and flexibility.

Rewire for Lasting Love ❤️, [11/11/22 4:51 PM]
๐Ÿ”ทThe second type of rest is mental rest. Do you know that coworker who starts work every day with a huge cup of coffee? He’s often irritable and forgetful, and he has a difficult time concentrating on his work. When he lies down at night to sleep, he frequently struggles to turn off his brain as conversations from the day fill his thoughts. And despite sleeping seven to eight hours, he wakes up feeling as if he never went to bed. He has a mental rest deficit.

The good news is you don’t have to quit your job or go on vacation to fix this. Schedule short breaks to occur every two hours throughout your workday; these breaks can remind you to slow down. You might also keep a notepad by the bed to jot down any nagging thoughts that would keep you awake.

Rewire for Lasting Love ❤️, [11/11/22 4:51 PM]
๐Ÿ”ถThe third type of rest we need is sensory rest. Bright lights, computer screens, background noise and multiple conversations — whether they’re in an office or on Zoom calls — can cause our senses to feel overwhelmed. This can be countered by doing something as simple as closing your eyes for a minute in the middle of the day, as well as by  intentionally unplugging from electronics at the end of every day. Intentional moments of sensory deprivation can begin to undo the damage inflicted by the over-stimulating world.

Thursday, November 24, 2022

Lose Your Attraction to Chaos Code Discovery by Jedian

The familiar environment of chaos is the single most addictive reason for a return to chaotic and loser type life style. If you truly want to break theough this limiting barrier , please watch these Several gift videos and teachings