Monday, December 5, 2022

πŸ”»Higher Self vs Soul , Difference πŸ”‘πŸ‘

In almost every seminar we offer, someone will ask the question: What's the difference between my Higher Self and my Soul?


It's a really a great question that all of us have asked in one way or another. In our spiritual journey we each are exposed to many terms; some easily understood, others confusing, and still others that are seemingly contradictory. I hope this little article will help clarify things for you. Of course, this is my observation and opinion. Please don't believe me. See if what you read resonates with you. You are the only one that matters here.


Your Higher Self is, in simple terms, the highest aspect of you that can be attained and held in the physical body. It is the part of you that knows, sees, and understands at the highest level possible, while the physical part of you still continues to move around in the third dimension. Anchoring the wisdom of the Higher Self into your physicality is very much a part of our human spiritual evolution and purpose.


Your Soul, on the other hand, had an enormous role in deciding upon and designing what you experience in this lifetime. Your Soul wanted to experience a certain set of experiences so it put in place a plan and process where it could - through you. A simple, silly example: your Soul wanted to know what it would be like to experience the feelings of embarrassment in a female body. So the Soul placed parts of its own consciousness in you, as a female body, and you went out into this third dimension to experience the game plan that the Soul wished to have. You were born into a family of graceful dancers, yet you were clumsy and awkward and fell down a lot. You surrounded yourself with very simple, third-dimensional children and you had a creative mind but no filter, so you said things that put you in, well, embarrassing situations. As an adult you liked to party, and many mornings found yourself squirming and explaining your actions of the night before.


In the process of these wonderful experiences your Soul created for you, you always have free will. And so you go about choosing and creating many other components of this life-game that are in addition to what the Soul's..

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Real U Holistic Self Discovery Center
President: Author of 42 Books and Films
Shahin D. Jedian
Creator of the Jedianix System and Soul Code Discovery 

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